Pallas's Warbler

Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler, Donna Nook 10th October 2010

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Stonebridge to Pye's Hall today.   510 Oystercatchers, 125 Whimbrels, 4 Curlews, 5 Bar-tailed Godwits, 32 Dunlin, 30 Knot, 26 Redshanks, 2 Greenshanks, 10 Teal, 3 Tufted Ducks, one Little Egret, one Grey Heron, 2 Sandwich Terns, 4 Common Terns, Willow Warbler, Kestrel and Marsh Harrier.



    A 3rd cy Pomarine Skua flew north close inshore.  An Arctic Tern also headed north.   South were 37 Sandwich Terns, 12 Common Terns, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, one Little Gull, 2 Arctic Skuas, 3 Gannets, 3 Cormorants and 15 Common Scoters.   Arriving from the sea and continuing SW inland were 50 Swallows, 10 Sand Martins, 84 Common Swifts and 2 Black Terns.   The last fed over the flashes for a few minutes before leaving overland.


Waders included 660 Dunlin, 220 Sanderlings, 2 Curlew Sandpipers, 95 Curlews, 87 Whimbrels, (the highest daily count since 1990), 3 Ringed Plovers, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 32 Knot, 6 Redshanks and 14 Grey Plovers.   On the dunes were 2 Teal and singles of Kestrel, Barn Owl, Turtle Dove, Cuckoo and Grey Heron.



A Black Tern and 2 Arctic Skuas north during a two hour seawatch around high tide, while to the south were 70 Sandwich Terns, 25 Common Terns, 3 Arctic Terns, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, 4 Gannets, 14 Cormorants, 6 Guillemots, 4 Common Scoters and 10 Shelducks.   Waders were 132 Sanderlings, 79 Dunlin, Turnstone, 19 Curlews, 12 Whimbrels, 32 Oystercatchers, Bar-tailed Godwit, 20 Knot and a Ruff.   The only other birds of note were 200 Swallows, 6 Sand Martins, 10 House Martins, 2 Grey Herons, 2 Kestrels and a juvenile Cuckoo.



   It was certainly hot at Quad 3 this morning.   Best birds were 11 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Sand Martins, a juvenile Cuckoo, 3 Red-legged Partridges, 2 Corn Buntings, 2 Kestrels, 3 Little Egrets, 80 Common Scoters, 17 Sandwich Terns, 3 Arctic Skuas, 3 Cormorants, 35 Curlews, 8 Redshanks, 4 Golden Plovers and 10 Dunlin.

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