Pallas's Warbler

Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler, Donna Nook 10th October 2010

Monday, 8 October 2012

Bit disappointing today; it looks more promising for tomorrow...

Best today were 20 Goldcrests, 10 Blackbirds, 2 Song Thrushes, 5 Robins, 1,200 Starlings, 4 Tree Sparrows, 2 Lesser Redpolls, 8 Long-tailed Tits, 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 3 Jays, 2 Common Buzzards, Sparrowhawk, Merlin, 5 Brent Geese, 21 Pink-footed Geese, 55 Common Scoters, Goldeneye, Red-throated Diver and 39 Curlews.  

Also additional from yesterday 7.10.

I have checked and found that yesterday's Little Gull total was a record count for Donna Nook.. For quite a few years now, these large assemblages of Little Gulls were a feature out from Hornsea. Annoyingly they never seemed to come south of the Humber mouth. Perhaps this may be about to change now. The birds over the weekend were feeding as they went by, so a change in the distribution and availability of food items would appear to be the cause of this movement.

The dunes at the south end were also unremarkable, hence 2 Redwings, 3 Mistle Thrushes, 4 Blackbirds, 5 Robins, Wheatear, 400 Starlings, 200 Skylarks, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 6 Goldcrests, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps, Water Rail, 5 Grey Partridges and 2 Common Buzzards.
At sea 0830-1230 (HT 1010) moving north were 290 Little Gulls, Kittiwake, 200 Black-headed Gulls, 130 Herring Gulls, 76 Gannets, 32 Brent Geese, 7 Wigeon, Pintail, 28 Teal, Mallard, 57 Common Scoters, Red-breasted Merganser, 8 Red-throated Divers, 2 Guillemots, Razorbill, 7 auks sp., 2 Common Terns and an Arctic Skua. To the south were 131 Gannets, Shelduck, 2 Eiders, Goldeneye, 72 Pink-footed Geese, Guillemot, 4 auks sp. and 3 Sandwich Terns. 32 Cormorants on the sea or on the shore where waders included 35 Knot, 29 Dunlin, 4 Sanderling, Little Stint, Bar-tailed Godwit and 47 Curlews.

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