Pallas's Warbler

Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler, Donna Nook 10th October 2010

Thursday, 31 May 2012

31st May
Best birds were 6 Cuckoos, Turtle Dove, Short-eared Owl, Mistle Thrush, 2 Corn Buntings and a Northern Wheatear at Quad 3 and Common Sandpiper, Reed Warbler, Short-eared Owl and Greenshank at Pye's Hall.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

30th May
The Marsh Warbler was singing and showing fairly well in the same spot until at least 0830. Other birds of note today were at least 3 Turtle Doves, Marsh Harrier, Hobby, 3 Cuckoos, Spotted Flycatcher, Barn Owl and 2 Corn Buntings all in the Quag 3 area.
At Pye's Hall this morning were 2 Short-eared Owls, Barn Owl, Reed Warbler and Greenshank.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

29th May

A superb singing Marsh Warbler was found singing this morning. It was in the copse north of the North Flash at TF 437985. Other birds of note today were 2 Corn Buntings, 2 Yellow Wagtails, a Hobby, Marsh Harrier, Turtle Dove, Chiffchaff, 4 Cuckoos and Spotted Flycatcher (Steve Lorand)

Monday, 28 May 2012

28th May
Spotted Flycatcher, Short-eared Owl, 2 Corn Buntings and 2 Wheatears were all at Quad 3. One addition for yesterday was a Marsh Harrier NW in the evening.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

27th May

Highlight of the day was a Temminck's Stint on the flash at Quad 3 this morning before flying south towards Saltfleet (Steve Lorand). Three Crossbills also flew north at Quad 3. An Osprey flew over Py's Hall and then headed NE at 720am and a Whinchat and Reed Warbler were at Pye's (James Siddle). A Turtle Dove was east of Stonebridge.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Three Spoonbills were on the pools at Pye's Hall this morning before flying off towards Grainthorpe Marsh. Also a Spotted Flycatcher at Pye's Hall and Greenshank and Golden Plover. Two Short-eared Owls and five Tutrtle Doves were in the Quad 3 area.

                                         Spoonbills, Spotted Flycatcher and Reed Bunting

25th May
An immature Golden Oriole at Howden's Pullover today.